Sunday 9 October 2011

From Dukan diet to Slimming World

So, I failed at Dukan. It was just horrible eating so much meat, and so much processed stuff such as fizzy drinks and sugar-free yogurts in some desperate attempt to satiate my sweet tooth. At the end of the day, I love carbs and chocolate, so The Dukan Diet was a killer for me.

Last month I went to stay with my friend Janette in Brighton for the weekend, and she follows the Slimming World diet. I happened to flick through some of her Slimming World recipe books, and was majorly impressed at the meals that could be eaten freely, without any kind of guilt. Indian Curried Pork Patties! Creamy Linguine with Lemon & Olives! Pesto-style Houmous! Tell me more, I said :D

She explained the concept of Green and Red Days, which is where I got horribly confused, and  struggled to get my head round it - something to do with not mixing protein with carbs on the same day? However, she then said there was a 'new' version of the Slimming World diet, called 'Extra Easy', which didn't have such restrictions. Niiiiice, I thought - I'm going to do this!

I could easily do with losing a stone, I'm not hugely overweight, but so many of my clothes that I love and adore are TOO SMALL for me now. That'll be the penchant for biscuits and chocolate on a daily (hourly?!) basis, my addiction to chocolate Feasts for pudding every dinnertime, and slices of Tiger bread smothered with lashings of butter and lemon curd. Not to mention a lot of wine. Argh... 

I clearly remember being 9 stone 4lbs in 2004, which was no doubt due to walking a lot to get to work in London, not being a huge drinker, and probably suffering a bit of stress. Things got more lax over time, and in early 2007 I started a new job outside London, and I remember my weight then being 10 stone 3 lbs. The new job involved driving to work every day instead of the daily London commute, and my weight slowly crept up to its recent heaviest of 11 stone 3 lbs.

I really was keen to battle this increase once and for all. So, inspired by what I'd heard of Slimming World, I bought their latest magazine with its free recipe book. I joined the local group in Reading. I bought 2 Slimming World recipe books with 50 recipes in each. I cooked meals from scratch. I ate bananas and nectarines. I looked up the 'Syn' value of everything I was considering eating. (You get a set allowance of between 5 and 15 'Syns' every day, and you choose what you want to 'spend' them on - for me it's usually either biscuits, or wine!). I forewent fish & chips and other such glorious dishes in the work canteen, instead choosing jacket spud and baked beans (no butter, no cheese thank you <tiny sob>). I bought FryLight (still feel a little uncomfortable about the 'processed' angle of this). I walked up/down the stairs between floors instead of getting the lift at work. And I've LOST WEIGHT!!!

I've been doing it for 4.5 weeks now, and I'm v. chuffed to say that I've lost 9lbs according to Slimming World class scales, and a stone according to my home scales first thing in the morning :D

It really works for me. I can eat pasta til the cows come home. I can eat potatoes. I even did a roast Sunday lunch for my family the other week, making Slimming World-friendly roast potatoes (courtesy of FryLight, natch), roast parsnips, carrots, leeks with creme fraiche and nutmeg, and roast chicken. And had a BIG glass of wine. All within my Syn allowance. And none of my non-dieting guests felt that it was a 'diet' meal. Winner!

I've cooked some really nice meals in the last few weeks, which has made me much more adventurous (ok, less lazy!) than usual, and has really forced me into the habit of eating healthily, thinking about what I'm eating, while most importantly not leaving me hungry. I've had days where I've chosen to spend my Syns on 5 Jaffa Cakes, or 2 glasses of wine. I'm not going without, really. I've just learned to moderate my treats, and make minor compromises. Which is really important to me as I love food so much :) I'm still eating out as much as ever, but choosing wisely. Yo Sushi, Nando's and the local Indian (King Prawn Tandoori FTW) are my particular friends, but I can still eat out in other places without guilt as long as I make Slimming World-friendly choices, which basically means lean meat or fish, lots of veg/salad, and avoiding high-fat foods.

Here are some pics of recent meals I made that are completely allowed on Slimming World. Hurrah!

Full English breakfast
Curried pork patties with mango salsa
Salmon kedgeree with asparagus
Baked figs with honey & natural yogurt